Monday, July 14, 2008

i need to post badly -.- before my blog dies. which is like, really really soon. gahhs. oh wells, at least we get the holidays xDD but the sad fact is that it comes with tons and tons of homework plus three -and more coming in- pts -.- nevermind, 死不了. hopefully, that is. anyways, i shall talk about the past week. actually i cant really remember what happened anymore -.- monday was youth day, so there wasnt school xDD. everyone was happy can xDD. tuesday was swimminf ssa xDD. cheryl was damn fast xDD, but she's still not happy -.- cuz apparently it wasnt her pb. pfft. sheryl, rosie and i got subway in the end -.- lols. oh and the medley's were damn cool. hehh. oh and we had outdoor cooking on wednesday o.o which was damn weird cuz we dont normally have outdoor cooking. but we left halfway for richard idol xDD. yeah mans. it was quite fun larr, but this year's ri ended pretty early. then we got the whole sec 2 batch to dance last year's mass dance together. see, we so bonded xDD. then eventually caiwei and sheryl saboed the sec ones into dancing their mass dance for us. but the sec ones dance until abit not enthu not enthu derr DDx. but their dance was nice larr. oh and two groups of one three people performed a skit xDD. their all uber cute larr xDD rae ann was there too. but cuz joey and tina didnt want to pon cca for ri, eventually they didnt perform the mass dance with us DDx when they came we were all leaving lerr.

and joey was really smart too. she lost both her pinafore belts, so now she doesnt have a belt anymore -.- and if she leave school not wearing pinafore its bookable and wearing pinafore without belt is bookable also. so she ended up borrowing belt from the pb room -.- and all the belts were either wrong colour [cuz if the belt and pinafore is different colour its still bookable] or too tight or too loose -.- which is super weird cuz both joey and i are like, normal -.- so all the belts are either for the extreme thin or the extreme fat or extreme loose belted xDD. anyway, we spent damn long searching for a suitable belt larr -.- in the end i just grabbed one belt that was blue not purple [cuz my pinafore's purple but joey's blue] and tried and it fitted okay, so i told joey that the belt should be okay, and she really could wear it -.- damn retarded larr.

then lynn decided that she was too tired to bus back so she hailed a cab -.- then cuz she's passing toapayoh mrt anyway, so she told joey, alanna and i to take the cab with her but dont need to pay o.o then she sent us to tp and we mrt back xDD. thanks lynn((:

thursday was third lang [lols, so anti climax] but it was quite okay larr. i bought warheads, cuz i was pretty tired by the time third lang started. and it was sour can. bleugh. but its damn nice larr xDD but apparently tabitha doesnt like sour stuff. DDx how can you stand bitter stuff like coffee and not like sour stuff. sighhs. but ang sensei kept telling us elearning was taxing then must hurry up and go and do o.o but i finished lerr, just that i dont really understand one of the questions >.<

friday was urban hike! hehh. but it meant that the sec 4s are all leaving soon DDx awwwww. i bet we'll end up missing all of them larr xDD. last year also. oh, then basically we're spilt into different patrols and the patrols have to go and look for a murderor, the weapon and the place. somewhat like cluedo larr. the first stop was far east. station mistresses were joyce, vera, lynnette, and emilyn. and isa was eating lunch at the side xDD hahas, she always comes back one luhh. oh then she was eating hokkien mee o.o packeted, of course. then she was like, come come want to try? its rj's hokkien mee xDD lols, then she fed me. and it was quite nice larr, nicer than school food, at least. but that snot saying much, considering how school food is. bleugh. actually, since the school food's so ..., how come we're not all ano thin o.o whatever. so then station 1, we had to wear disgusting red lipstick which is drawn outside our mouths [to enlarge it -.-] and eyeshadow on our faces -.- joyce drew all the spastic smiley faces xDD. then we had to carry this poster that says 'tell us we look fabulous' or something along those lines. and we had to get 5 or more people tell us that we look fabulous and take a picture with us. gaggs. chao embarrassing can.

station 2 was lido. but there was a roadblock. celine and some other sec 4s. then we had to teach a random passer by our patrol cheer -.- but that one wasnt that bad larr. xDD its just a road block after all. lido we had to take pictures beside a movie poster in the same pose as the actors and actresses and we have to show the picture to as many people as possible. and if they agree that we look like the actors and actresses they have to sign -.- and yinleng saboed me to be the female lead of wanted. then gracia was the male lead. and sheryl and i was coming up with patrol cheers when they ran around asking for people to sign. which isnt very patrol spirit-ish but, nevermind, our patrol cheer was damn nice can. then wheelock place.

we had to do a re-enaction of a high school musical scene and make 5 public laugh. or 3 public and one guider. but most of us didnt really watch hsm, so ours got changed to titanic. which i didnt watch. and apparently it was damn difficult too. no choice what. but mdm rozana laughed xDD. and yeah stuffums.

then, wisma. oh btw, the sec 3s were super good clue guessers. so we didnt really have to spend time guessing where the clue leads us to xDD. wisma we had to get a girl in new balance shoe. a guy in new balance shoe, a guy in new balance shoe and a cap, a guy in new balance shoe, a cap and a backpack -.- and take picture. which is seriously difficult, cuz the time limit was 10 minutes. we used 5 minutes to get a girl in new balance shoe. then we saw this guy in new balance, so we asked, cuz must have permission. then he refused -.- then he was ranting that like, 4 people took his photo already blahblah. then in the end he agreed larr. then he took, and we added a cap, take another picture, then add the backpack, take another picture -.- and his attitude was, nevermind. but it was sort of cheating cuz i think it was supposed to be different guys. oh wells.

then ngee ann. peixuan was blindfolded and had to find 10 balloons from this box of flour and the balloons are hidden with rubber gloves -.- so it was pretty tough to find. then the rest of us had to blow the balloons up. but i couldnt -.- mainly cause of braces, i guess. so i ended up tying cuz i could [and it was pretty gross cuz of their saliva. lols] then i ended up being saboed into being the clown. which is basically that i have to wear this hideous orange wig. and go give balloons to people. i ended up giving it to all the kids xDD. it wasnt that bad, really. maybe except the wig.

taka was next, but we went to the mini station first, cuz we were waiting for the other group to end. mini station. lols, there was this guy feeding pigeons. so we had to kneel down and sing 5 love songs to the pigeons. and gracia has bird phobia -.- so the rest of us sang larr. super retarded xDD. and we kept laughing halfway through the songs. but the taka station was pretty horrible. we had to wear all the super weird stuff [like pyjamas bottoms and what not] and when the vehicles stop during the traffic light we have to stand in front of them and do the chicken dance. horrible right? and there were people snapping photos larr >.< then on the way back we had to entertain them also larr. pretty much. bleugh.

then heren. yinleng and gracia gave up and went to buy drinks. lols. but they said it wont be done so fast so we went back to the station first. well, basically the game was like broken telephone, but we had to pass one word only, and we have to write the word with our butts -.- ours was easy. its hippo -.- but the i was... nevermind, no gory details xDD. and i was last, so i didnt have to write too. hahas. oh and we made a patrol discovery. spinelli's coffee is damn nice xDD. oh and we walked back to far east xDD. cool right. hahas. but we didnt walk all the way to school, we took bus -.- so... yeah. ahh, and im going campfire on wednesday in ri -.- it started with sheryl asking whether i wanted to go. and i was like, okay lorr, so we raised our hands. then we asked rachel wang, then we asked the sec 2s around her. so in the end out of 20 guides 10 or more was from our batch. so it kind of became a batch thing xDD yeah mans. we rock xDD.

okay okay, so thats about it. saturday was violin. and i have like, 7 or 8 new songs -.- which is damn impossible -.- and i didnt really practise properly yesterday cuz i was damn tired. bleugh, wont die. hehh. so there.



Friday, July 4, 2008

okayy. im doing tina's quiz first. cuz its long and in chinese -.- lols. okay, so then i do the quiz first, update next time. or maybe dont update o.o i dont know. depends. alright, so here goes::
[its toally copied by the way, so its in chinese xDD people who cant read chinese, too bad lorr. heh. but my answers will be in english larr. cant be bothered to type in chinese. hahas.]


-------------[ 壹 ] . 個 人 題 - 10 題 --------------

[ 01 ] 你叫什麼: xiaotong [duuh]
[ 02 ] 你的綽號: uh oh. whats that? nickname arh o.o uhm, tong?

[ 03 ] 你的血型: lols. no relevance xDD

[ 04 ] 你的星座: pisces. 11 march what
[ 05 ] 你是男還是女: you're free to guess xDD of course, if you're wrong, i'd gladly kill you
[ 06 ] 你幾歲: fourteen~^^
[ 07 ] 你住哪裡: earth, of course
[ 08 ] 你的學校: raffles. hehh

[ 09 ] 你有沒有手機: ob-vious-ly
[ 10 ] 承上,那是多少: my brain feels overworked -bleugh- [after asking tina: i find no point in answering. you can ask me if you want -.-]

詩惠 吳: --------------[ 貳 ] . 感 情 題 - 15 題 --------------

[ 21 ] 你有沒有喜歡的人: sure

[ 22 ] 如果有,那他叫什麼: are you kidding. my family, couple of friends, ikuta toma, jesse mccartney, skander keynes blahblahblah xD

[ 23 ] 如果沒有,那你希望什麼時候有另一半: know what? i havent felt like it yet xDD

[ 24 ] 到目前為止,你跟多少人告白過: never. lols, where's the fun in that ^^

[ 25 ] 到目前為止,你被多少人告白過: why should you know xDD

[ 26 ] 到目前為止,你交過多少個男/女朋友: hehh
[ 27 ] 你現在有另一半嗎: nope
[ 28 ] 你最好的同性朋友跟你告白你會怎樣: im not that attractive to be in that situation. xDD but im guessing my most probably reaction is no reaction

[ 29 ] 你初戀情人突然跟你告白你會接受嗎: nope, point is, i cant even remember his name anymore. >.<

[ 30 ] 你為什麼會喜歡你現在喜歡的人: must you have a reason for everything? -.-

[ 31 ] 你跟你的另一半牽手過嗎: told you i dont have one what

[ 32 ] 你跟你的另一半抱或親過嗎: as stated above, derive the answer yourself -sighhs-

[ 43] 你打開電腦都在幹麻: music. blog. msn. homework -.- why dyou even need to know larr. sheesh
[ 44 ] 你的即時通裡有多少個同性: alot what, mostly rg people
[ 45 ] 你的即時通裡有多少個異性: actually i dont know. i dont have a yahoo account.
--------------[ 参 ] . 兇 手 題 - 10 題 --------------

[ 46 ] 傳給你這份問卷的人是誰: tina<3~

[ 47 ] 這個人對你好不好: huh. you really have to state the circumstance. hahas xDD
[ 48 ] 這個人是你的誰: classmate and exclassmate -.-

[ 49 ] 你有喜歡過這個人嗎: define like. platonic or what?
[ 50 ] 你們認識多久了: since i went into rg. lols

[ 51 ] 這個人是怎樣的人: she's just...her. yayye xDD

[ 52 ] 這個人正/帥嗎: i feel weird answering this is english. 女生不怎么能帅吧 *^^*

[ 53 ] 這個人有沒有喜歡過你: i hope not xDD

[ 54 ] 這個人跟 (54-62怎麼不見了?!) ehhh?

[ 63 ] 說到傻子你會想到誰: hahas, i cant answer this. too offending xDD
[ 64 ] 說到笑點低你會想到誰: you know what. i really give up, i suck at chinese. [its supposed to mean easily amused, so well, alot of people xDD]

[ 65 ] 說到愛笑你會想到誰: many people what. its only human to smile or laugh xDD

--------------[ 柒 ] . 學 校 題 - 11 題 --------------

[ 66 ] 你的班導是誰: ms ong~!

[ 67 ] 你的座位是第幾排第幾個:last row lorr. fourth from the door. beside cheryl
[ 68 ] 你最喜歡的老師是誰: i dont particularly like my teachers xDD
[ 70 ] 你的英文好嗎: better than chinese, but not good
[ 71 ] 你的體育好嗎: nope. its horrible

[ 72 ] 你的數學好嗎: 勉强应付的来吧

[ 73 ] 你喜不喜歡你的校長: okay larr, i've had worse. -6A people, yall should understand-
[ 74 ] 你的學校好看嗎: not particularly. its green, black and white. that sums it up pretty much.

[ 75 ] 你的班級是: found somewhere in e block fourth level lorr.

[ 76 ] 你的班級在幾樓: said already -.-

lols. riight, i dont get the point of this quiz xDD. and my keyboard just went nuts -.- nevermind, besides the point. anyway, i thereby conclude that my chinese sucks. thanks tina, thats one more reason to be emo xDD anyway, at least i finished it. and i managed to read it in 繁体. fair enough larr.

